Language: English
Business & Economics board members contractual stakeholders corporate governance corporate policy-making delivery chain executive supervision external auditors financial stakeholders majority executive board nomination committee non-executive directors partnership agreement security protocols start-up companies state-owned companies strategic leadership strategy formulation supply chain two-tier board virtual meetings
Publisher: CRC Press
Published: Oct 25, 2022
All corporate entities, from the largest multinational conglomerate to the smallest tennis club, need effective governance. Some features of corporate governance are basic, common to all corporate entities: every governing body needs to think strategically and set policies to supervise ongoing management activities to ensure the entity is financially viable and is achieving its objectives. Every corporate entity has a governing body, whether it is called a board of directors, a committee, a council, or anything else. Many people, when appointed to the governing body of an organisation, have little idea of what to expect and what is expected of them. Even those with board-level experience find that the culture and leadership style of other governing bodies differ. The aim of this book is to help them understand and improve their contribution to the organisation and governing body they serve. The book is a simple guide to the work of every board member. Each chapter concludes with a worksheet, which enables readers to apply the ideas in that chapter to their own organisation. On completing the book, readers will have a detailed analysis of the governance of their own organisation. Effective governance improves performance and ensures long-term success. This book offers a straightforward guide to the fundamental work of governing bodies and the people who serve on them.