Effective marketing techniques are a driving force behind the success or failure of a particular product or service. When utilized correctly, such methods increase competitive advantage and customer engagement. Advertising and Branding: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly material on emerging technologies, techniques, strategies, and theories for the development of advertising and branding campaigns in the modern marketplace. Featuring extensive coverage across a range of topics, such as customer retention, brand identity, and global advertising, this innovative publication is ideally designed for professionals, researchers, academics, students, managers, and practitioners actively involved in the marketing industry.
Effective marketing techniques are a driving force behind the success or failure of a particular product or service. When utilized correctly, such methods increase competitive advantage and customer engagement. Advertising and Branding: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly material on emerging technologies, techniques, strategies, and theories for the development of advertising and branding campaigns in the modern marketplace. Featuring extensive coverage across a range of topics, such as customer retention, brand identity, and global advertising, this innovative publication is ideally designed for professionals, researchers, academics, students, managers, and practitioners actively involved in the marketing industry.