Palliative Nursing

Elaine Stevens & Susan Jackson & Stuart Milligan

Language: English

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: Nov 16, 2009


Palliative Nursing is an evidence-based practical guide fornurses working in areas of practice where general palliative careis provided. This may be in hospitals, nursing homes, dementiaunits, the community and any other clinical areas which are notclassified as specialist palliative care. This book first explores the history and ethos of palliativecare, and then looks at palliative nursing across various caresettings. It then looks at palliative nursing care for peoplewith specific illnesses, including heart failure, dementia, chronicobstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, and neurological conditions.Palliative care for children and young people is discussed, andthen the book finally looks at education and research in palliativenursing. Palliative Nursing will be essential readingfor all nurses working with palliative care patients in a nonspecialist role, i.e. in hospitals, primary care and nursing homes,as well as nursing students. SPECIAL FEATURES Explores the palliative nursing issues related to specificdiseases groups Written in the context of the new national tools, i.e. the endof life initiative, preferred place of care, Liverpool care pathwayand Gold standards framework. Each chapter includes practice points and cases to allow thepractitioner to undertake guided reflection to improvepractice Written by nurses for nurses Provides guidance for nurses working in all four countries ofthe UK