Basic Mechanical Engineering
Pravin Kumar
Organizational Behavior
Mary Uhl-Bien & Ronald F. Piccolo & John R. Schermerhorn, Jr.
Essentials of Organizational Behavior
Terri A. Scandura
Advanced Applications of Fractional Differential Operators to ...
Matouk, Ahmed Ezzat
Wayne W. Daniel & Chad L. Cross
Boundary Methods
Subrata Mukherjee & Yu Xie Mukherjee
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems, Third Edition
Yogesh Jaluria
Digital Therapeutics
Oleksandr Sverdlov & Joris van Dam
Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering
Eckhard Hitzer & George Papagiannakis & Petr Vasik
Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Bernard Rosner
Galilean Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua
Géry de Saxcé & Claude Valleé
An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering:
Michael Clifford
Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business
Ron C. Mittelhammer
Practical Business Statistics
Andrew Siegel
Principles of Applied Statistics
D. R. Cox & Christl A. Donnelly
Simplified Business Statistics Using SPSS
Gabriel Otieno Okello
Virtual Work Approach to Mechanical Modeling
Jean Salençon