Principles of International Taxation
Lynne Oats & Emer Mulligan
Mass Communication, Culture and Society in West Africa
Frank Okwu Ugboajah
Introduction to Community-based Nursing
Roberta Hunt
Applied Behavior Science in Organizations
Ramona A. Houmanfar & Mitch Fryling & Mark P. Alavosius
Vocabulary: A1 (Collins Work on Your... )
Collins UK
Collins COBUILD English Grammar
Penny Hands
Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced with Answers
Pauline Cullen
Basic English Grammar B with Audio CD
Betty Schrampfer Azar & Stacy A. Hagen
Academic Vocabulary
Amy E. Olsen
Effortless English
A. J. Hoge
A University Grammar of English
Randolph Quirk & Sidney Greenbaum