Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation ...
J. David Hunger & Alan N. Hoffman & Charles E. Bamford & Thomas L Wheelen
Using R for Introductory Econometrics
Florian Heiss
Practice-Relevant Accrual Accounting for the Public Sector
Hassan Ouda
Palliative Nursing
Elaine Stevens & Susan Jackson & Stuart Milligan
Natural Hazards
Edward A. Keller & Duane E. DeVecchio
Braiding Sweetgrass
Robin Kimmerer
Policy and Strategic Behaviour in Water Resource Management
Ariel Dinar & Jose Albiac
Air Pollution
Bhola R. Gurjar & Luisa T. Molina & C.S. P. Ojha
Microbial Ecology
Heinz Stolp
Energy and the Environment
James A. Fay & D. Golomb
Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Waste Management Activities
Ronald E. Hester & Roy M. Harrison