Advances in Molecular Pathology
Junjie Xiao & Nima Rezaei & Felipe Simon & Carmelo Bernabeu & Wim E. Crusio & Haidong Dong & Heinfried H. Radeke & Ortrud Steinlein
Single- and Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in ...
Afshin J. Ghajar
Developing Graphics Frameworks with Python and OpenGL
Lee Stemkoski Michael Pascale
Mahajan & Gupta Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
Rabindra Nath Roy & Indranil Saha
Cyber Security Politics
Myriam Dunn Cavelty & Andreas Wenger
Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Kaushik Kumar & Divya Zindani & J. Paulo Davim