Global Insolvency and Bankruptcy Practice for Sustainable Economic ...
Dubai Economic Council & Adrian Cohen
Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing
Pradeep Kumar Mallick & Preetisudha Meher & Alak Majumder & Santos Kumar Das
Mechanical System Design
Regenerative Medicine and Plastic Surgery
Dominik Duscher & Melvin A. Shiffman
Neuromorphic Engineering
Elishai Ezra Tsur
Neurological Physiotherapy
Cecily Partridge
Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics
Ayman S. El-Baz & Institute of Physics (Gran Bretanya) & Jasjit S. Suri
Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
S., Sumathi & M., Janani
Naturally Clean
Jeffrey Hollender & Geoff Davis
Natural Hazards
Edward A. Keller & Duane E. DeVecchio
Nanofluid Technologies and Thermal Convection Techniques
Chand, Ramesh
My Start-Up Plan: The business plan toolkit
Clare Griffiths & Brad Crescenzo
Muscle Energy Techniques
Multiphase Flow Handbook
Clayton T. Crowe
Multigate Transistors for High Frequency Applications
K. Sivasankaran & Partha Sharathi Mallick
Multidisciplinary Systems Engineering
James A. Crowder & John N. Carbone & Russell Demijohn
Multi-Objective Optimization of Industrial Power Generation ...
Ganesan, Timothy
Multi-access Edge Computing: Software Development at the Network ...
Dario Sabella
Movement Disorder Surgery
Andres M. Lozano
Moral Psychology
Valerie Tiberius
Thomas J. (Author) Montville
Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology
Andreas Luch
Molecular Microbiology
David H. Persing & Fred C. Tenover & Randall T. Hayden & Margareta Ieven & Melissa B. Miller & Frederick S. Nolte & Yi-Wei Tang & Alex van Belkum
Molecular Exercise Physiology
Henning Wackerhage
Molecular Diagnostics
William B. Coleman & Gregory J. Tsongalis
Molecular Design in Inorganic Biochemistry
Daniel Rabinovich
Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3
Noel Challamel & Julius Kaplunov & Izuru Takewaki
Modern Statistics
Ron S. Kenett & Shelemyahu Zacks & Peter Gedeck
Modern Mass Communication (Concepts And Processes).
Modern Manufacturing Systems
Rajiv Kumar Garg & Ravi Pratap Singh & Rajeev Trehan & Ramesh Singh
Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Alexander Krämer & Mirjam Kretzschmar & Klaus Krickeberg
Modern Hydrotherapy for the Massage Therapist
Marybetts Sinclair
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems
Bhagwandas Pannalal Lathi
Modern Communication Systems
Rodney F. W. Coates
Modern Auditing and Assurance Services, Google eBook
Philomena Leung & Paul Coram & Barry J. Cooper
Modeling in Food Microbiology
Jeanne-Marie Membré & Vasilis Valdramidis
Mobilizing Knowledge in Physiotherapy
David A. Nicholls & Karen Synne Groven & Elizabeth Anne Kinsella
Mobile Wireless Middleware
Jean-Marie Bonnin
Mobile Networks and Management
Yuanlong Cao & Xun Shao
Mobile Multimedia
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim
Minor Surgical Procedures for Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professional
Shirley Martin
Microsoft Word in easy steps
Scott Basham
Microsoft Word - human_waste_fm.doc
Microsoft Word - C040432e.doc
Microelectronic Circuit Analysis and Design
Donald Neamen
The Microbiology of Safe Food
Stephen J. Forsythe
Microbiology of Green Fuels
Abu Yousuf & Elia Tomás-Pejó
Microbiology and Technology of Fermented Foods
Robert W. Hutkins
Microbiological Testing in Food Safety Management
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for ...
Microbial Physiology Genetics and Ecology
Glen Pierce & Lynn Scott
Microbial Metal and Metalloid Metabolism
John F. Stolz & Ronald S. Oremland
Microbial genetics applied to biotechnology :
Venetia A. Saunders
Microbial Fermentations in Nature and as Designed Processes
Christon J. Hurst
Microbial Ecology of the Oceans
David L. Kirchman
Microbial Ecology
Barton & Larry & Northrup & Diana E.
Heinz Stolp
Microbial Diversity and Ecology in Hotspots
Aparna Gunjal & Sonali Shinde