Sport Management
Karen Bill
A Semantic Approach to English Grammar
R. M. W. Dixon
Introduction to Orthotics E-Book
Brenda M. Coppard & Helene Lohman
Essentials of Nursing Research
Denise F. Polit & Cheryl Tatano Beck
Global Strategic Management
Jedrzej George Frynas & Kamel Mellahi
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology
Andrew Provan
Energy and the Environment
James A. Fay & D. Golomb
Teaching Epidemiology
Jorn Olsen & Rodolfo Saracci & Dimitrios Trichopoulos
Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics
Joan Webster-Gandy & Angela Madden & Michelle Holdsworth
Cell Structure & Function
Guy Orchard & Brian Nation
The Oxford Handbook of Film Music Studies
David Neumeyer